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***PLEASE NOTE - Here you will find zines focusing on theories, discussions and political analysis.


***ALSO NOTE - We are imperfect and there may be zines mis-categorized or links that do not work. Please email us if you feel like any of this is in error or not working properly -


DISCLAIMER: The majority of these zines are posted through submission/permission of the zinemakers or come from public zine sharing sites. Please do not upload these zines to your site without seeking permission from the zinemakers first.  


9 Theses on Insurgency(.PDF) - Activism, Protest, Violence, Rioting


10 Preliminary Theses on Resistance(.PDF) - Activism, Protest, Resistance, Tactics


Against Assemblies: Organization, Democracy, & the Left(.PDF) - Activism, Democracy


Against War and Pacifist Bliss(.PDF) - Anti-War, Pacificism, Militarism, Political Theory


Anarcha-Feminists' Subjective Perspectives of Anarcha-Feminism(.PDF) - Anarchism, Feminism, Political Theory


Anarchism vs. Socialism(.pdf) (WM. C. Owen 1922) Political Theory, Anarchism, Socialism, Activism, Capitalism


An Anarchist Response to the Nihilists(.PDF) - Anarchism, Nihilism, Philosophy, Political Theory


Anarcho-Pacifist(.PDF) - Anarchism, Pacifism, Political Theory, War, Philosophy, Activism


Are Anarchism and Democracy Opposed?(.PDF) - Anarchism, Democracy, Political Theory


Armed Joy(.PDF) - Gun Rights, Weapons, Anarchism


Ayn Rand and the Perversion of Libertarianism(.PDF) - Libertarian, Ayn Rand, Anarcho-Capitalist, AnCap, Individualism, Free Market, Political Theory


Basic Bakunin(.PDF) -  Anarchism, Anarchist, Anti-Authoritarianism, History, Class, Labor, Capitalism, Political Theory


​Basic Kropotkin(.PDF) -  Anarchism, Anarchist, Anti-Authoritarianism, History, Class, Labor, Capitalism, Political Theory


Black Liberation Army and the Paradox of Political Engagement(.PDF) - Black Culture, Black History, Activism, Protest


The Democratic Mystification(.pdf) (Jacques Camatte) - Democracy, Elections, Class Struggle, Capitalism, The State, Government, Political Theory, Marxism


Grin and Bare It All - Against Liberal Perceptions of Sex Work(.PDF) - (Luna Celeste) Labor Movement, Sex Work, Progressives, Political Theory, Workers, Class Struggle, Capitalism


How Nonviolence Protects the State(.pdf) (Peter Gelderloos) - Pacificism, Nonviolence, Violence, The State, Capitalism, Government, Political Theory, Racism, Statism, Patriarchy, Sexism, Direct Action, Activism, Protest


The Illegitimacy of Violence, the Violence of Legitimacy(.PDF) - Protest, Resistance, Activism, Political Theory, Riot, Peace


Law & Morality(.pdf)(Craig Rosebraugh) - Political Theory, Law, Law Enforcement, Morales, Values, Legality, Crime, The State, Animal Rights, Humanity


Lawful Ain't Good(.pdf) - Laws, Philosophy, DND, Dungeons & Dragons, Alignment System, Morality, Good, Evil


​Myths of "Libertarian Economics"(.PDF)  (Iain MacSaorsa - 2009) - Economy, Capitalism, Libertarianism, Free Market, Business, Corporations, Profits, Money, Class, The State, Credit, Finances, Unemployment, Laissez-Faire, Poverty


Play! Fight!(.pdf) - Kinky Sex, Political Theory, Fetishism, Kink, Sex, Consent, Politics, Anarchomasochism, Anarchism, Body Politics, Perversion


Politicians Love Gun Control(.pdf) Weapons, Guns, NRA, Politics, 2nd Amendment, Rights, Arms, Culture, Armed Resistance


Red River Radical #2: Science Fiction Utopia & the Radical Imagination(.pdf) (May 2011) - Sci-Fi, Dystopia, Radical Politics, Political Theory, Post Apocalyptic, Avatar, Ursula K. LeGuin


Right to Be Lazy(.PDF) - (Paul Lafargue) Workers, Class Struggle, Leisure, Wellbeing, Productivity, Capitalism, Work, Labor Movement, Weekends, Creativity


Slow Tech Against Chrononormativity(.pdf) (Grant Chinn - May 2021) - Technology, Tech Industry, Workers, Capitalism, Sustainability, Productivity, Exploitation, Reparative Design, Tech Hacks, Hackathons, Silicon Valley, Work, Jobs


So You Wanna Be a Commie Scum(.PDF) (by C. Fish) - Minizine, Communism, Anarchism, Leftism, Socialism, Political Theory, Introduction, Humor, DIY Guide


Towards a Student Unionism(.PDF) - Unions, Students, Labor Movement, Workers, Class Struggle, College, University, Schooling, Schools, Organizing, Activism Guide


Unions Against Revolution(.PDF) - Unions, Labor Movement, Workers, Class Struggle, Organizing, Resistance, Anarchism, Labor History, Capitalism, Revolt, Work, Jobs


V'Eilu - A Zine for Progressive Thoughts and Ideas in Orthodox Judaism Vol. 1, #1(.pdf) - March 2023 - Orthodox Jew, Religion, Politics, Political Theory, Art, Essays, Queer, LGBTQA+, Jewish Culture, Education, Menstruation, Shame, Reforms, Poetry, Prose, Poems, Fiction


Voting vs. Direct Action(.pdf) - 2001 - Folklore, Democracy, Voting, Elections, Activism, Mutual Aid, Direct Action, Direct Democracy, Tactics


Why Do We the People Riot?(.PDF) -  Activism Guide, Resistance, Organizing, Protests, Violence, Property Destruction, Rioting, Authority, Cops, Injustice, Police, Law


Why Riot?(.PDF) - Riots, Direct Action, DIY Guide, Protest, Resistance, Activism


WTF is Mutual Aid?(.PDF) - Anarchism, DIY Guide, Protest, Resistance, Activism, Political Theory






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