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***PLEASE NOTE - These zines are all focused on racial & ethnic identity,

privilege, allyship, whiteness & racism


***ALSO NOTE - We are imperfect and there may be zines mis-categorized or links that do not work. Please email us if you feel like any of this is in error or not working properly -


DISCLAIMER: The majority of these zines are posted through submission/permission of the zinemakers or come from public zine sharing sites. Please do not upload these zines to your site without seeking permission from the zinemakers first.  


Abolish Whiteness (.PDF) - Race/Privilege/Identity


An Abolitionist Response to Slavery and Racism(.PDF) - Race, Privilege, History, Abolition, Slavery, Racism


​Against White Supremacy(.PDF) - Racism, Whiteness, Identity, Privilege, Hate


​​An Anarchist Introduction to Critical Race Theory(.PDF) - Anarchism, Race, Racism, Whiteness, Identity, Privilege, Political Theory


Anarchists Hate Racism(.PDF) - Anarchism, Racism, Privilege


Answers For White People on Appropriation, Hair, and Anti-Racist Struggle(.PDF) - Race, Privilege, Cultural Appropriation, Identity Politics, Culture, Fashion


Anti-Racism Resources for Allies(.PDF)- Race, Racism, Allies, Allyship, Activism, Mini-zine


Anti-Semitism and Revolution(.PDF) - Activism, Jewish Culture, Anti-Semitism​, Racism


Antisemitism - Its History and Causes(.PDF) - History, Jewish Culture, Anti-Semitism, Racism


Autonomous Resistence to Slavery and Colonization(.PDF) - Activism, Slavery, Colonialism, Imperialism, Racism


Back From Hell - Black Power and Treason to Whiteness Inside Prison Walls(.PDF) - Black History, Prisons, Abolition, Whiteness, Racism, Identity​


​​​​​Black Lives Matter ABC's Book(.pdf) - Law Enforcement, Police Violence, Murder, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Breyonna Taylor, George Floyd, Black History, Victims, BLM, Illustration​​


​Celling Black Bodies - Black Women in the Global Prison Industrial Complex(.PDF) - Black Culture, Women, Prisoners, Prisons, Law Enforcement, Incarceration


​Claim No Easy Victories: A History and Analysis of Anti-Racist Action(.PDF) - Racism, Resistance, History, Activism, Protest


The Colour Brown (.PDF) - Anarchism, Black Culture, Resistance, Whiteness, DIY Guide, Activism, Protest


​​Cops and Klan Go Hand-in-hand(.pdf) (Summer 2019) Police Violence, Racism, White Supremacy, UNC Chapel Hill, Students, Blue Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, BLM, College Campus


​Cultural Appreciation or Cultural Appropriation?(.PDF) - Black Culture, Identity, Whiteness, Culture, Racism


Cultural Appropriation and Shaming(.PDF) - Black Culture, Identity, Whiteness, Culture, Racism


Dear White People(.PDF) - Black Culture, Identity, Whiteness, Allies, Racism, Protest, Resistance


Dispatches From Charlottesville(.PDF) - Riots, Racism, ANTIFA, Alt-Right, Activism, Protest, Resistance, History


Everyone Calls Themself an Ally Until It's Time to Do Ally Shit(.PDF) - DIY Guide, Whiteness, Ally, Protest, Resistance, Identity, Privilege, Indigenous


FBI x KKK(.PDF) -  Mini-Zine, Black History, Racism, Ku Klux Klan, Civil Rights Movement, COINTELPRO, FBI, Cops, Police, Law Enforcement


Fighting and Defeating Racism(.PDF) - Protest, Resistance, Racism, Hate, Whiteness, Activism, DIY Guide


Five Things White Activists Should Never Say(.PDF) - Ally, Protest, Resistance, Racism, Hate, Whiteness, Activism, DIY Guide


Fuck Your Racist Prisons, Fuck Your Racist Nation(.PDF) - Racism, Prisons, Policing, Cops, Law Enforcement​, Patriotism, Nationalism


Give the Racists the Boot(.PDF) - Racism, Hate, Alt-Right, Nazis, Fascists


​A History of Anti-Black Racism on Long Island(.pdf)  (by Iliana Luther) - Racism, Long Island, Black History, Culture, Race, Prejudice, Privilege, New York, White Supremacy, Bigotry


How to Be Actively Anti-Racist(.PDF)  (Harriet X) - Minizine, Activism Guide, BLM, Black Lives Matter, Racism


How to ID a Neo-Nazi Bonehead(.PDF) - Racism, Nazis, Fascists, Whiteness, DIY Guide​


How to Recognize White Supremacist Symbology(.PDF) - Policing, Cops, Law Enforcement​​


​Imperialism and the Criminalization of the Palestinian People(.pdf) (Carol Baker, Shawn O'Hern) - Palestine, Israel, Mid-East, Middle East, Zionism, Anarchism


​Is Racism Really Still a Thing?(.PDF) -  Activism Guide, Minizine, Race, Black Culture, BIPOC, Privilege, Systemic, Income Inequality, Allyship, Whiteness


It's Racism, Stupid!(.PDF) - Racism, Protest, Resistance, Activism, DIY Guide​


Law Enforcement Violence Against Women of Color(.PDF) - Women, Cops, Police Brutality, Policing, Law Enforcement, Protest, Resistance, Activism, Black Culture


Message to the Black Movement(.PDF) - Black History, Resistance, Liberation, Protest, Racism, Activism​


Mimicry(.PDF) -  White Supremacy, Power Structures, BIPOC, Cultures, Allies, Privilege, Decolonizing, Language, Black Struggle, Whiteness, Racism, Indigenous, Imperialism


Mujeristas Collective #3(.PDF) - Latin American, Women of Color, Family, Culture, Art


​​Native Resistance to Canada(.pdf) - Canada, Imperialism, Colonization, Indigenous, Dene Suline of Cold Lake, NATO, War, Secwepemc, Nuxalk Nation, Bella Coola Aggregate Project, Sutikalh, Native History


Neo-Liberalization of Higher Education: What's Race Got to Do with It?(.pdf) - California, Race, Education, College, Schooling, Racism


No Justice, No Peace(.PDF) - LA Riots, Cops, Police Brutality, Policing, Law Enforcement, Protest, Resistance, History


​On White Radicalism(.PDF) - Whiteness, Protest, Resistance, Activism, Racism, Privilege, Identity


Oppression and the Use of Definition(.PDF) - Oppression, Privilege, Identity, Racism, Colonialism, Language


A Path (and Guide) Towards Storytelling Sovereignty(.pdf) BIPOC, Writing, Writers, Authors, Stories, Marginalized Voices, Racism, Creativity, Creative Industry, Labor Movement, White Exploitation, Media, Academia, Censorship, BIPOC Stories


A Plea For Captain John Brown(.PDF) - History, Slavery, Violence, Abolition, Protest, Resistance, Activism, DIY Guide


POC Zine Making and Self-Preservation(.PDF) - Zines, POC Culture, Protest, Resistance, Activism, DIY Guide, Self-Care, Mental Health, Art, Writing


Privilege and Solidarity(.PDF) -  Protest, Resistance, Activism, Racism, Privilege, Identity


Proposal for an Anarchist People of Color Network(.pdf) - Anarchism, BIPOC, Political Theory, Race, Culture, Movement, Activism, Networking, Community


Queer Xicana(.PDF)  LGBTQA+, Queer, Xicana, Latina, Identity, Ethnicity, Sexuality, Politics, Allyship, Privilege, Poetry, Prose, Collage Age


Racism, Repression, Racial Profiling(.PDF) - Racism, Whiteness, Identity, Policing, Law Enforcement, Legal System, Privilege


​Racism and Capitalism(.PDF) -  Class, Race, Oppression


The Real Resistance to Slavery in North America(.PDF) - History, Slavery, Violence, Abolition, Protest, Resistance, Activism


​​Real Skinheads Aren't Racist(.PDF)  Culture, Subculture, Music, SHARPS, Jamaica, England, Anti-Racism, ANTIFA, Anti-Fascist, Rude Boys, Oi, Ska, Punk


Shining the Lite on White Privilege(.PDF) -  Whiteness, Racism, Privilege, Identity


So You Want to Be an Ally!(.pdf) Anti-Oppression, Activism Guide, Allyship, Privilege, Tokenization, Systemic Oppression, Prejudice


Somos Los Otros(.pdf) (Jimena Fuenmayor + Art by: Carlos Sanchez) Latino, LGBTQA+, Queer, Shame, Minority, Ethnicity, Race


Soy Mujeristas - SPANISH Mujeristas Collective #3(.PDF) - Spanish Language, Latin American, Women of Color, Family, Culture, Art


Stolen Land(.pdf) (Bertita Martinez) - Chicano History, California, Education, Schooling, Manifest Destiny, Indigenous, Mexico, Fascism, America, Latin Culture, Eurocentrism, Whites, US History, Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago, Gold Rush, Texas


TeKKK$a$ - Where Black Lives Have Never Mattered(.pdf) - Comrade Monsour - Mongoose Distro - Texas, BLM, Black Lives Matter, Race, Racists, The South, New Afrikan, Colonization, Death Penalty, Justice System, Slavery, History, White Supremacy, Indigenous, Chicano, History, Stephen F. Austin, James Bowie, Oppression, Sam Houston


A Tribute to John Brown(.PDF) - Biography, History, Slavery, Violence, Abolition, Protest, Resistance, Activism


"We're Trying to Destroy the World" - Anti-Blackness and Police Violence After Ferguson(.PDF) - Police Brutality, Policing, Law Enforcement, Legal System, Cops, Protest, Resistance, Activism, Ferguson, History, Mike Brown, Racism


White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack(.PDF) -  Whiteness, Racism, Privilege, Identity


Whitewashing Black History(.PDF) -  Black History, Education, Information, Whiteness, Racism, Privilege, Identity, Schooling


With Allies Like These: Reflections on Privilege Reductionism(.PDF) -  Allies, Activism, Whiteness, Racism, Privilege, Identity


Your Goose is Cooked, Sucka(.PDF) - Police Brutality, Policing, Law Enforcement, Legal System, Cops, Protest, Resistance, Activism, New Orleans, NOLA, History, Riots, Racism



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